
Forbes confirms GLP in "100 Professionals 2023" among the top consulting firms in Italy

For the fourth consecutive year, GLP is the only firm in the Consulting section to operate exclusively in intellectual property 21 April 2023

Forbes Italy's 100 Professionals is «a selection of 100 law firms, professionals, and consulting firms that represent the excellence of the profession in Italy. The common denominators of the protagonists are technology and innovation, themes that are also increasingly important in these sectors».

In this selection of the best Italian consulting firms, GLP is reconfirmed for the fourth year in a row, still being the only firm operating exclusively in intellectual property for the "Consulting Firm" category.

On the page dedicated to GLP, Forbes describes us: «among the international excellences in the field of intellectual property, it has been for 55 years a reference for all innovators who require strategic advice capable of enhancing the value of their assets, including patents, trademarks and designs».

Forbes motivates the recognition to GLP with these words: «Innovation and creativity with a strong commitment to improving standards of excellence in consultancy, a stylistic feature to be pursued necessary to support companies in the global market. A history based on excellence and with a strong international reach that makes GLP one of the leading European players in the field, as many of Forbes' Top 500 companies turn to GLP for the protection and enhancement of their patents and brands. A growing reality of locations and professionals part of the team who share the aims and style and enhance it with their personal skills».

We thank all our Clients for allowing us to achieve this recognition, which rewards the constant and dedicated efforts of the entire GLP Team.

Read the Forbes special (Italian)


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