14 June 2024Innovazione e protezione: la proprietà intellettuale come strategia di crescita economica e concorrenziale
9 February 2024Innovazione e protezione: la proprietà intellettuale come strategia di crescita economica e concorrenziale
26 April 2022Sulla frontiera tecnologica: 20 anni di esperienze brevettuali in UniTS. Complessità e prospettive
11 March 2021Blue Growth and sustainable maritime mobility: opportunities for innovation, growth and development for companies
16 December 2020IPR and access-to-finance opportunities to boost blue growth innovation in the ADRION area
18 June 2020VII Ciclo di Formazione - Proprietà industriale e intellettuale - Soft and complementary skills
11 February 2020I nuovi incentivi del MiSE per le imprese - Valorizzazione di brevetti marchi e disegni
23 July 2019«Di mare… di nuove rotte e di nuovi capitani» - Intellectual property to increase the competitiveness of maritime SMEs
25 March 2019Training course on issues related to the protection and exploitation of intellectual property
8 February 2019Overview of the basics of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights (session 2)
7 February 2019Overview of the basics of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights (session 1)
8 November 2017INNOVATION FORUM Friuli Venezia Giulia - II edition - “Driving change for US and Italian Innovation systems: finding ways to learn better from each other”