GLP supports the arts funding the restoration of 15th century Saint Blaise sculpture
The official presentation will be held at the Cathedral Museum of Udine on July 10th 3 July 2017On Monday, 10th July 2017, the restoration of the blessing Saint Blaise wood sculpture will be presented at the Cathedral Museum of Udine, whose delicate restoration has been funded by GLP and Petraz family – founder and owner of the firm – on the occasion of its 50th anniversary of foundation, with the aim of actively contributing to the recovery and preservation of important works from the historical and artistic point of view.
Fine example of Friulian Renaissance, Saint Blaise sculpture is a work attributed to Domenico from Tolmezzo (Udine) and realized in the 15th century for Santa Maria di Castello, the oldest church of Udine, to celebrate the Patron of throat ailments. The restoration (carried out by Esedra company) has brought to light the statue original colours, returning to the city a work of remarkable artistic value that represents a significant stage for the history of sculpture in Friuli.