
The Italian Industrial Property Code published in German with the collaboration of GLP

2 May 2017

Within the framework of the Project “Multilevel systems of the sources and protection of industrial property in Europe” organized by the University of Trieste, the volume “Das italienische Gesetzbuch für das gewerbliche Eigentum. Codice della Proprietà Industriale Italiano”, has been published, edited by Prof. Angelo Venchiarutti, for the publishers G. Giappichelli and Nomos.

Studio GLP has had a fundamental role in the production of this work, which is the first of its kind. GLP has always given great importance to information and sharing in the field of intellectual and industrial property – with free publications, events, courses and seminars – in order to contribute to the training of future professionals and to support technological innovation and economic development. The consolidated cooperation with – among others – the University of Trieste is an example of this.

The booklet is published in Italian and German, and thus shows more clearly and directly the similarities, differences and peculiarities of the Italian and German juridical systems, in order to enrich them both with new ideas, but also to offer all those operating in the field a valid tool to facilitate their daily work.

The Italian Industrial Property Code was translated into German by Dr. Matthias Probst, in coordination with Prof. Lorenza Rega. The work was revised by Prof. Michael Lehamn from the Max Planck Institute für Innovation und Wettbewerb in Munich.


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