International classification

Class Description
Class 1 Foodstuffs.
Class 2 Articles of clothing and haberdashery.
Class 3 Travel goods, cases, parasols and personal belongings, not elsewhere specified.
Class 4 Brushware.
Class 5 Textile piecegoods, artificial and natural sheet material.
Class 6 Furnishing.
Class 7 Household goods, not elsewhere specified.
Class 8 Tools and hardware.
Class 9 Packages and containers for the transport or handling of goods.
Class 10 Clocks and watches and other measuring instruments, checking and signalling instruments.
Class 11 Articles of adornment.
Class 12 Means of transport or hoisting.
Class 13 Equipment for production, distribution or transformation of electricity.
Class 14 Recording, communication or information retrieval equipment.
Class 15 Machines, not elsewhere specified.
Class 16 Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus.
Class 17 Musical instruments.
Class 18 Printing and office machinery.
Class 19 Stationery and office equipment, artists' and teaching materials.
Class 20 Sales and advertising equipment, signs.
Class 21 Games, toys, tents and sports goods.
Class 22 Arms, pyrotechnic articles, articles for hunting, fishing and pest killing.
Class 23 Fluid distribution equipment, sanitary, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, solid fuel.
Class 24 Medical and laboratory equipment.
Class 25 Building units and construction elements.
Class 26 Lighting apparatus.
Class 27 Tobacco and smokers' supplies.
Class 28 Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, toilet articles and apparatus.
Class 29 Devices and equipment against fire hazards, for accident prevention and for rescue.
Class 30 Articles for the care and handling of animals.
Class 31 Machines and appliances for preparing food or drink, not elsewhere specified.
Class 99 Miscellaneous.

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